Isaiah 1.17

"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows."

Saturday, April 24, 2010


We officially completed our first of garage of who knows how many! This was a trial run for us and we were very pleased with the results. We were able to sell roughly 180 dollars worth of things donated from family members and things we had around the house. We posted a sign on our house saying where all the proceeds would go to and we were able to strike up conversation with those who were interested. Our neighbor asked if we were adopting a dog but was pleasantly surprised when we told him we were adopting a child from Ethiopia. We tried a few times to tell people we were saving this money for an adoption but they still wouldn't budge on 25 cents. We ended up giving them the deal and had a good chuckle later. We do hope to have more garage sales in the future so if you have anything at home that you do not want anymore and would like to donate we would be most appreciative. We will keep you posted on our next sale! The 180 dollars we received today will go towards our Hague Adoption Training courses that we need to sign up for asap. The total cost for the training is 175 dollars so WE PRAISE GOD!! We want to give a BIG THANK YOU to M's sisters, who traveled in from out of state to help out with this garage sale! We couldn't have done it with out you girls!


  1. That's so awesome that the garage sale was such a success. I'll be praying that all the others are just as successful.

  2. If only we could fly our garage full of kid's clothes and gear to sell. And if only garage sales were heard of here in Italy, I would hold on in honor of our future niece or nephew. How awesome is that to have your training covered to the $! God is good! So glad the sista's were able to come and help too.
